Monday, January 27, 2020

Some Distractions While Driving English Language Essay

Some Distractions While Driving English Language Essay Im driving down the road on a highway in a yellow Sun Fire, bumping to the radio with three other friends in the car as passengers, looking down in my lap, not glancing at the road, when all of a sudden I look up and see a green car coming toward me. I swerve to stop an accident from happening. Close, but everyone is safe. A year has past since I almost well, I dont know what could have happened. If I hadnt started paying attention we would have been gone. Be careful of your surroundings and what you are concentrating on while driving because you might just end up taking someones life just like I almost did. Ever since my incident in Hubbard, Ohio, I never talk and text while Im driving; however, if I have to talk or text, I pull over to the side of the road or into a parking lot. I never would have learned that, if I didnt experience it for myself. I didnt want to drive for a month, and if I really had to, I would make sure my phone was kept away so I wasnt tempted by it. I also received anxiety from my situation. I would become anxious when I got on the road and a car pulled out in front of me, or if a car would just tailgate me. Not only did my personal experience help me learn, but it helped me think about others on the road, instead of worrying about the friend or person that I was texting. When I realized what I was doing, I also realized, if I wouldve hit that car, I could have injured my friends and myself. If that were to happen as an accident, that wouldve been something I would have to deal with for life. Secondly, it was not my car, so therefore my insurance would have risen, and my best friend wouldnt have a car. If you ever witnessed an accident or were a part of one like me, take it as a lesson learned. In my case, I did because I didnt realize so many consequences that go along with distractions while driving. Its a big responsibility to take as a teenager. A lot of teenagers would want to party, hang with friends, and be with their boyfriends; they do not want to be in a hospital under critical condition because of an accident that happened from texting and talking while driving. So pay attention to the road, and not your phone. Talking and texting could be very deadly. Im here to tell you, how we can save a life by cutting out a lot of distractions while driving. The top ten distractions that are caused by accidents are eating, texting/talking, pets, radio, friends/family, moving objects, and lighting a cigarette ( 16, 2009). These top ten distractions are the cause of the high rates of accidents. All of these distractions while driving are deadly weapons, and we as college student/adults dont really take it seriously. There are three main distractions identified by (NHTSA) National Highway Traffic Safety Association: Visual, Manual, and Cognitive. Visual- is taking your eyes off the road, Manual- taking your hands off the wheel and Cognitive- taking your mind off what youre doing (UDT, pg.1). Dprimarily drive with edare (fragment) using while driving: , you listed six Drivers should avoid distractions while driving to prevent fatal crashes. Laws have been implemented; therefore, we would be at a lower risk for accidents, injuries, and deaths. The seven states that banned cell phones, found out that there were less accidents because they implemented the law (source?). Even if cell phones did become illegal, I understand we would still use them but they should be used for emergency purposes only. It may seem like common sense handling and dialing while driving but it makes it less safe because your eyes are off the road. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration three percent of drivers are talking on hand-held cell phones at any given time. The NHTS explains that fifty-four percent of drivers who usually have a wireless phone on their vehicle, and seventy-three percent are reported using their phones while driving (Lance, n.d. 2010, p.1). Since technology has advanced in society, there are so many things we can use on our cell phones while driving in a car. One of the most commonly used are blue tooths, (plural not possessive) which would help prevent some of our high accident rates. Bluetooth is a known method for data that uses short-range radio links to replace cables between computers and their connected units (Fitzgerald, 2006). The state of Minnesota has an all out ban on cell phones while driving; the law says a pProvisional driver may not operate a vehicle while using a cell phone. The other states will permit using a cell phone if it is not being held to your ear.   Ã‚  You can still use a cell phone while driving if you use a headset.   The wireless headsets are popular due to the new Bluetooth technology.   With the combination of the Bluetooth technology in your cell phone and headset it allows your headset to automatically connect to your cell phone without any set up (Wilson, Nov 4, 2005). According to Officer Gary Fernandez of the California Highway Patrols, he investigated that 1,119 accidents during 2008, which amounted to an 8 percent increase over the amount 1,036 accidents investigated in 2007. is a word missing from the quote? Fernandez also stated the amount of accidents while driving under the influence rose in 2008 over the amount in 2007 (Aelusive, n.d. 1). Relevancy? In Wisconsin within the last thirty days, they showed the statistics of each distraction with the percentage. Most of the distractions just cause injury, but some injuries might lead to death. Seventy-nine percent of teens listen to the radio, sixty-one percent of the drivers go over the speed limit, sixty-one percent drivers drive with no hands at all, and uses their knees, fifty-one percent of teens text/talk, and forty-five percent eat and drink while driving. These percentages are very high for us teenagers, and it puts us at a higher risk than everyone else. The comparison to teenagers driving with distractions is worse than an elderly person thats on the road going twenty miles per hour. At least the older people are going slower to prevent an accident, but were going over the speed limit, because were becoming distracted in the car. This isnt a good combination. Statistics also show that, the decreasing rate of distractions while driving doesnt slow down until we hit our fifty , because thats the age where they dont always have to use technology to communicate. in MLA numbers 20 and above are written as numerals unless they begin a sentence In conclusion, I would like to say and hope we, as teenagers and adults, learned that distractions while driving can be, and are very deadly. Not only can it cause accidents, deaths, injuries, and fatal car crashes, but it can save someones life. Or in my case, it saved my friends and me. However, the saying while your driving is, you always know what youre going to do while driving, but you dont know what the other driver is thinking. Thats so true, you always have to pay attention to the road and others action, but you cant, if youre always concentrating on a distraction in the car that can wait. All it takes is a split second for your eyes to focus on something else, and it could be your last. I really hope we can stop being selfish and worry about others that are on the roads, instead of ourselves. At times, we all take life for granted and dont realize what we have until its gone. So hopefully we can focus on the road instead of the phone, because luckily I was saved just in tim e. Im so blessed that God lifted my head up just in time, to prevent an accident, or maybe just my life. Work Cited entries not to style The 10 most dangerous foods to eat while driving., 09-16-2009. Web 13 Oct 2010. Lance, Kim. Cell Phone Statistics., Web. 13 Oct 2010. . Fitzgerald, P. (2006). Are Bluetooths headsets safe? U.S Department of Transportation. Washington: Web. 13 Oct 2010. . Wilson, N. (2005, November 4th). Legal and safe driving while talking on cell phone with Bluetooth enabled wireless headset. Retrieved from Joslyn, You chose a good case claim and supported it with a good variety of evidence. Your introduction and your conclusion work well together. I would have liked the conclusion to be shorter and less wordy because your last line is very powerful. This would have given it more focus. Your organization could be improved by grouping evidence with each main point consecutively. Im glad to see you went to the Writing Center, and you improved your grammar and mechanics significantly. There are still some issues as indicated above, but, again, its going in the right direction for sure. The assignment required 10 sources to include a personal interview, which you didnt include, meaning the paper does not meet the assignment requirements. This is a significant subtraction from your grade. Also, you have gone back and forth between APA and MLA style. 65/100 Grading Rubric Persuasive Essay Criteria Excellent A Good B OK C Not OK D or F Comments INTRODUCTION hooks the reader and provides necessary context. x CASE CLAIM clearly states a position on an arguable issue. x MAIN POINTS are relevant and clear. Word count dictates if all or most important points are included. x EVIDENCE from a variety of credible sources is used to support each main point. x x personal interview: none OPPOSING POINTS are relevant, with all essential opposing points included. x REBUTTAL fairly and reasonably counters each opposing point. x CONCLUSION serves to further strengthen the argument. x wordy, but the last line is excellent CALL TO ACTION is reasonable, actionable, and made as easy as possible to execute. x WORKS CITED PAGE follows the required style and is nearly error free. At least 10 (10) sources must be consulted. At least 7 sources must be cited. You must include a RELEVANT personal, email, or telephone interview from a credible source (not a relative, friend, etc.). At least four different genres must be used (i.e. book, journal, field research, website, online database, video, etc.). You may access sources on the Internet, however. x 10 sources: 8 not to style CITATIONS follow the required style and are nearly error free. x not to style ORGANIZATION of main points, case claim, evidence, etc. follows assignment requirements and shows proper planning. x TRANSITIONS provide that sentences, paragraphs, and essay all flow naturally. x GRAMMAR is almost free of interruptive error. x PUNCTUATION is almost free of interruptive error. x SPELLING is almost free of interruptive error. x AUDIENCE is considered in the selection of the issue, style, tone, and vocabulary. x LENGTH AND FORMAT meet the assignment requirements. A paper that is too short or too long is penalized by the percentage of words over or under count. x Heading: not in format Header: good Length: long works page not to format OVERALL INTEREST FACTOR x

Sunday, January 19, 2020

Impact of Divorce on Children

The Impact of Divorce on the Family Sociology as defined by Sociology: exploring the architecture of everyday life is the systematic study of human societies (Newman, 2012). By studying human societies we can observe and understand how individuals interact with each other in society and the developing global system, but in order to understand these relationships we must look at society and the world at a different perspective. In turn a sociologist would be a scientist who studies human societies.A sociologist would be interesting in studying the topic of impact of divorce on children because it directly involves a relationship between two people. By studying divorce through a sociological perspective a sociologist can observe the causes that resulted in the divorce and the sociological implications it has on the nuclear family. Divorce is defined as the legal dissolution of marriage by a court or other competent body (Newman, 2012). The divorce rate in the United States is somewhere between 40-50 percent.The causes for divorce can vary greatly and can range anywhere from unhappiness with the marriage to extramarital relationships. In the 1950’s to the 1970’s divorce was only fault based meaning one spouse had to prove the other spouse committed a marital offense (Jolivet, 2012). Since the culture in the 1950’s was much different than it is now divorced couples were stigmatized, and their children were also labeled as outcasts from a â€Å"broken home†. It was also thought that children from a â€Å"broken home† had a higher chance of failing out of school or delinquency since there was an obvious lack of parenting.In the 1970’s divorce became more common and legislation changed, therefore, no fault divorce was introduced. Once divorce became more common, society became more accepting and divorce was not viewed as taboo anymore. Instead people now see divorce as another chance to be happy. Children of divorce were now v iewed as resilient instead of delinquents (Jolivet, 2012). The change in the way children were viewed comes from being able to cope with the loss of a family or growing up without living with a mom and dad.The effect of divorce on an individual’s life can be tremendous, it can impact almost everyone the individual interacts with. In an article by Greif and Deal (2012) they explained how friend networks would overlap with marriage and when that couple divorce that network is put at risk. It was found that after 8 months of separation men and women maintained 61% of that network but after 16 months only 50% of that network remained. The individual is important when it comes to observing effects of divorce.In a study done with 31 divorced women it was found that their physical appearance often changed as they struggled with their identity after divorce (Greif and Deal, 2012). This is most due to the high levels of stress before and after the divorce The impact parent arguing can have on the children could be very dramatic. A survey done by Dr. Robert Gordon that asked 1000 teenagers between the ages of fourteen and eighteen about their opinions on divorce concluded that the children wanted their parents â€Å"more than anything† to stay together (Jolivet, 2012).The survey also looked into children’s opinions’ on parent arguing and found that 50% of children think that parent arguing is â€Å"terrible† (Jolivet, 2012). There are different types of parental arguing, which can range from disagreeing, criticizing, screaming and physical confrontation. When children were asked about what arguing meant to them 39% said it involved disagreement, 26% said it was criticizing the other parent, but less than 35% said that arguing involved screaming or physical confrontation.Further research shows that most married couples agreed to occasionally arguing in front of their children. Dr. Gordon concluded that children are deeply affected by pa rental arguing and hopes that his research will make couples think twice about arguing or criticizing each other in front of their children (Jolivet, 2012). The social implications of parental arguing on children are mostly negative but in some situations can be positive. When children are exposed to a negative environment it threatens their emotional stability, which can result in depression, anxiety, and aggression.Although when parental conflicts are solved sensibly children learn constructive ways to settle arguments. Children learn to compromise and use compassion instead of aggressive behavior to solve disagreements. The overwhelming message that children of divorced parents try to convey is that they want more than anything for their parents to stay together. When teenagers were asked about what they would want their parents to know the majority said that it’s â€Å"Not easy for all of us† and â€Å"they don’t want to be blamed for it† or â€Å"ca ught in the middle† (Jolivet, 2012).This shows that the impacts of divorce and stress levels are not only felt by the individuals involved in the relationship but are felt almost as equally by the children. Children of divorced parents in present times are seen as resilient and being able to cope with difficult times. In a study done by Dr. Robert Gordon about teenager’s opinions on divorce found: Seeing parents divorced or growing up without mom and dad living together makes our whole view of life different.We become more independent and strong. Marriage and kids are not such a positive thing anymore/7 Kids also wanted their parents to know that, simply, they can handle the truth of the situation. (Jolivet, 2012) As a result of viewing marriage and kids differently teenagers who come from divorced families are more likely to have trouble with their own marriage. This is because children do not know what caused their parent’s marriage to collapse, therefore, are unable to maintain a successful relationship.The immediate effects of divorce on children is evident but there are usually no long term effects as they usually fall into the normal range of psychological and social adjustment (Jolivet, 2012). Although, the way the parents handle the divorce is the determining factor for long-term effects on divorce. The number one factor that puts a child at risk for long-term effects of divorce is the intensity and level of parental conflict prior, during, and after the divorce. For example, battles for custody can put high levels of stress on children as they have little control of the legal events and outcomes.If a child has to suffer through a high- conflict divorce it can double the rate of behavioral and emotional adjustment problems along with many more potential effects. Studies have also examined the effect of divorce on boys and girls as different groups. Data shows that the effect on boys was more immediate and dramatic. Boys were also mo re vulnerable to aggression and disruption. However, the effect on girls culminated over time and resulted in increased sexual promiscuity, skipping school, and acting out (Jolivet, 2012).This research concludes that the effect of divorce on children can be predicted by the conditions that existed before the separation. As children go through the stages of divorce with their parents they are observing everything that is going on, these observations could have a negative effect on how these children view marriage and divorce later in life. In a study of divorce done by Dr. Amato and Dr. DeBoer found that divorces were more common in children whose parents divorced than among children whose parents stayed married (Jolivet, 2012).When parents divorce the child is familiar and used to the subject and is more likely to view it much less benignly than a child who did not grow up with divorce in the household. This results in those children being more open to divorce if they are unhappy wi th their marriage. Children could also view marriage as an unpredictable relationship and love and commitment can come and go (Jolivet, 2012). Although adult children with divorced parents are more likely to get divorce does not mean they are doomed for an unsuccessful marriage, they just need to work a little bit more to keep their relationship strong and interesting.Divorce is a difficult topic for many people and can affect almost everybody connected to an individual in the relationship. In a family the individuals who opted for the divorce are obviously greatly affected as well as the children. Divorce can have many negative implications on children including social and behavioral problems as well as problems with their own marriage later in life. Unfortunately, everyone involved feels the negative results of divorce but the degree of that effect can be lowered if certain measures are taken prior to a divorce.Dr. Lisa Strohschein suggests that instead of focusing on helping chil dren after divorce, paying attention to what happens to the kids leading up to the divorce could lower levels of anti-social behavior (Jolivet, 2012). She also states that parents who help children cope with divorce and shape their attitude toward more positive associations could have a great effect on their mental health (Jolivet, 2012). Even though the negative implications of divorce are very prevalent I believe that they can be reduced to a degree where the effects are minimal.

Saturday, January 11, 2020

It Has Been Said That the Comparison Method of Valuation Is the Best Method. Do You Agree with This Statement?

It has been said that the Comparison Method of Valuation is the best method. Do you agree with this statement? It has been said that the Comparison Method of Valuation is the best method. I personally agree to this statement but I believe there is no perfect valuation method. All methods have advantages and disadvantages. Valuers always prefer to use the comparative method for assessing market value or market rent, because it links directly to evidence of current market transactions. The other methods: profits, residual, contractors and investment are used when the comparative method cannot be used with full confidence. The comparison method is used to value the main types of property for example houses shops offices and standard warehouses and factories. These are regularly sold or let in the market giving plenty of evidence to support an assessment of rental value or market value of similar properties. The comparison method can be used to calculate the market value of the property and the rental as well; all other methods can provide results for one or the other. So this method is mainly used because it provides solid evidence of the property’s value. All other methods can be manipulated by the valuer. This is the reason why the comparison method is the only acceptable method for court usage. When there is little or no evidence of comparable market transactions the valuer needs to stand in the shoes of the most likely purchaser or tenant to simulate their thinking and calculations they might carry out when assessing how much to pay for the property concerned. To perform a valuation with the comparison method: The valuer needs to be fully aware of the current economic conditions * The market should be stable * There should be plenty of evidence of recent sale in similar properties * In Size * Condition * Age * Area * Type As I notice today it is very hard to find comparable market transactions simply because there are very few transactions done. But even when we do find comparable date the market is so unstable that they aren’t r eliable. The comparison method of valuation is also a basic component of each of the other methods. It plays a vital role in the Investment method. In the first stage of the investment method we need to analyze property sale transactions to establish the relationship between rental income and the capital prices recently paid by investors. So we basically use the comparable data from the comparison method to find a yield or a multiplier which expresses the relationship between rent and capital. And finally we use this yield and the rental income of a property to calculate the current value.

Friday, January 3, 2020

My Service Learning With Child Protective Services ( Cps )

First Impressions Before taking this class or completing my service learning with Child Protective Services (CPS), I really had not had any experience with CPS. I just made the assumption that the agency was biased and flawed based on the experiences other people had with CPS. I also did not think it would be a place that I would want to work because I did not want to work with children, although now I realize that was a really unfair opinion I had of the agency. I also thought a lot of people abused the service because I had heard a lot of stories of people calling CPS on each other out of spite. After learning about CPS and being able to observe what the agency does, I do realize the agency is not what I thought it was. I also realize†¦show more content†¦Although my first day in the office was uneventful I was looking forward to going back, because I was excited to see what other types of tasks Ms. Green has to carry out. My first day was my only day in the office though, after a while Ms. Green stopped responding to my emails. From my understanding it was not Ms. Green who was avoiding me, it was the agency preventing her from communicating with not only me, but with other families who she could have been working with. I became so frustrated and disappointed that I was getting gypped from the service learning portion of class. I also imagine the families she was working with were frustrated as well because they were stuck in a sort of limbo. Even though I was not able to go back to the CPS office and complete any more hours there, I did get the opportunity to observe a case in court. Which definitely made me place some faith back into the agency, it made everything we learned in class click together for me. In particular there were some terms that came up in court that I remember discussing in class, such as family reunification, safe and stable housing, and the family service plan. I really felt like I was able to fully understand what was happening during the hearing because we covered so much in class. This case involved three children who were currently living in foster care with a family, and their parents who were trying to get the three children returned to them. I did not anticipate how emotionally